"Socially Engaged Practice," also known as social practice or socially engaged art, includes any art form that engages people and communities in discussion, collaboration, and social interaction.
In "The Island Atlas,” participants, who are originally from the Himeshima island but live in different places, chose a theme and engaged in remote and in-person dialogues about the future of their hometown. This project is oriented toward a deeper understanding of the self and the community's consciousness as a whole. The maps created from the dialogs became a system of propositions about the island's future and are consolidated into the “Atlas of Himeshima.”
The Kawamura Foundation awarded this project a Socially Engaged Art grant for Arts and Culture as a Socially Engaged Art project for the year 2022. The project was held from July 23rd to August 8th, 2022.
同じ姫島出身でありながらそれぞれ違う場所で生活している参加者たちが、島の未来についてテーマを選び、リモートや対面で対話しました。 対話のために用意した島の地図に、「空想と現実」 という対比を超えて、浮かんできたアイディアを絵や文章で表現しました。 描かれた地図は、 アトラスとして島の未来に関する命題の体系となり、自己やコミュニティー全体の意識について理解を深めることを志向しています。
本プロジェクトは、一般財団法人川村文化芸術振興財団 による2022年度 ソーシャリー・エンゲイジド・アート 採択され、2022 年7月23日~8月8日に実施しました。
The Island Atlas: Our Words for the Future of Our Homeland
島のアトラス: 私たちの言葉は故郷の未来」
Chair Project / Himeshima
EWS has been collecting people's hometown memories since January 1st, 2020. The chair travels worldwide, weaving the stories of the people who sit on it. On its journey, the chair collected the stories of EWS's relatives in Chile during the pandemic and returned to Japan to the remote island of Himeshima, Oita prefecture.
In Himeshima, fifty islanders, women and men from nine to ninety-eight years of age, talked about their hometown memories, traditions, culture, and hopes for protecting their island’s environment. Over time, traditions passed from generation to generation are transformed, and some have disappeared, yet the memories remain; EWS recorded and documented those memories and archived them on this website.
The stories are unique to the island of Himeshima.
EWSは2020年1月1日「The Chair Project」を始動し、人々の故郷での思い出の物語を集めています。それは日本から始まりました。
Chair Project
January 1st, 2020 ~
Japan / Chile / USA / Germany / …
People's lives and individuality can be overseen, ignored, and forgotten in our society's decision-making. Since January 1st, 2020, “The Chair” project has been documenting the memories of minorities before they are utterly forgotten. “The Chair” has traveled worldwide (Japan/Chile/USA/Germany), collecting stories and sharing insights.